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Service equipment was inspected
DEC 10th 2019

Electrical Certificate was issued

National Grid turned the service on.
ELECTRIC: Services

Claimed they had no way to get equipment to this location and lift transformer from platform for the service.

Old Transformer had a problem and they replaced it within a week.

This man said he did not want my service in that transformer and wanted mine to come in from the front.

Director Rick LaJoy Stated 6/20/18
Electical Permit will not be issued without building permit.

At least 4 different Licensed Electricians tried to pull the permit and were threatened or discouraged not to
Equipment was eventually inspected in Dec 2019 by Certified 3rd party Inspector
but the permit was rejected.

Building Department claims no one applied for a permit?
Issued a stop work order for electric and had the service cut off after it was inspected by Certified 3rd party inspector.
On February 18, 2020 at 8:37am , I called Jeff Dooley (Albany City Electrical Inspector) at 518-434-5170. During that conversation he stated no electrical permits were going to be issued until I settle things with his boss. I stated the building permits and electrical permit are supposed to separate and he stated they are but Rick LaJoy is the Director and he has to follow what he says.
Even though I was not involved in this permit application process, I paid the fine anyway.
Then, Per the counsel of Robert Magee, Director Rick LaJoy prevented Jeff Dooley from inspecting the service until Jan 24th 2022
(Jeff Dooley- Inspection Quotes Below)
Rick LaJoy said there was a fire hazard and refused to allow an inspection for 2 years!!!
ELECTRIC: Inventory
ELECTRIC: Music Player
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